5: Brain Fog and Night Thoughts

On Wednesday mornings before school I head to the local Starbucks to get some writing done. It’s become a habit I really enjoy. It’s also the only coffee shop that opens at 5:30.

I finally printed off my “Dreamweaver” draft. It’s in a binder at home, and my goal is to begin the task of reading and revising tomorrow. This morning I came up with the glorious plan to develop ideas for “The Blend Kids” project. Two nights ago, right before falling asleep, my brain percolated some great ideas for this story…which I can’t remember. Yes, I could have broken the incoming sleep to write down my ideas, but I didn’t. I was exhausted. I was on the cusp of dreamland. I didn’t want to. I wish I had.

My career is perfect for me. As an elementary teacher, imagination breeds innovation. Plus, while the kids are in the room my brain must work at one hundred miles per hour in multiple directions. Seven year olds don’t quite have a handle on patience, so I’m bombarded with questions, random stories, and mini-crises while trying to teach small groups. I’m forced to be on my A-game.

Then there’s the non-working hours. Sometimes my brain is fully functioning, but other times it goes off-line. Presently my brain does not want to be imaginative. I need to be ok with this. I’m still writing, but I shifted my focus.

What’s your method for brain fog?


6: What’s with the Coffee Shop Writing?


4: Am I the Bad Guy?