8: Balancing School and Writing

There are certain weeks as a teacher where I am reminded why I have about seven weeks of summer (relatively) open, minus the side jobs I take on for a little extra money. As of now I’ve clocked in about 51+ hours of work, with another three expected Saturday. I’ll probably add to this total on Sunday. That’s about normal for me, and I know some teacher friends who add several more hours to this tally.

I can only speak from my experience. There are a ton of other jobs out there that also clock in ten to twelve hour work days five days a week. Indie writers typically do not quit their day jobs in order to pursue their dreams. There are certain pesky things getting in the way, such as needing shelter, food, and health insurance.

What’s your point, Mr. Byers? Are you trying to gain sympathy? No! I mean, you can bring it if you’d like (I’ll also accept coffee shop gift cards). My point is, for me, writing is not a daily habit. I get up way to early in order to exercise, get to school between 6:30/7:00, and when 5:00 rolls around I often have other happenings. I’d love to be that “write until I pass out” type of person, but I’m old. I go to bed at 9:30, max.

I wish I could write every day; however, I’m not forcing more out of my life in order to do so. I want to see my friends and kids. I want to be healthy. I want to decompress for an hour. That’s ok! Some writers have their habits, and I am beyond impressed.

So, for now, my main writing will come on the weekends and certain evenings. I’m not tempering my goal, I’m elongating it. And it’s ok if you do this, too.


7: Journaling as a Writer