2: Taking Time to Regroup
I recently completed my most recent draft, a 56,000 word middle grade fantasy set in a Dreamworld. I’m letting this simmer for a few weeks until I feel confident enough to read my drivel without feeling nauseous. That’ll be fun!
I can understand this advice. I need time away from a project that I’ve been working on for months in order to clear my head of my many, many ideas. This time off, however, really cramped my writing routine. Like Alice falling into a rabbit hole, writing a story takes a long and winding journey where eventually I am discerning arm movements within a scene in order to move the plot where I desire. Microscopic, indeed!
I eventually was able to percolate a new idea, and I switched my brain from a micro to a macro lens. My new idea has loads of promise. I’m not sure how the structure of this story is headed, but worldbuilding has been pretty fun.
Soon I’ll set aside this idea and continue work on my completed draft. As a teacher working around 55 hours a week as well as tutoring a few kids on the side, writing time is precious. Shoehorning any writing into my schedule can be a challenge. If I stay tenacious towards my goal, I must accept the challenge.