Dan McPufferson, Sella Flo Yo, and Cal Squatchy all found themselves back at the main menu. “What should I do now?” asked Dan.
“DUH DUH DUHDUH!” sang the song.
“Hey!” shouted Sella. “You’re leveling up!”
“Oh, that’s right!” cried Dan. “I totally forgot!”
A big arrow pointed upwards to the Transmorgrifier. “Just press that button,” said Sella, “and you’ll be a new and improved McPufferson.”
Dan slammed both hands into the huge button, and a door opened up. He stepped into the transmorgrifier, a huge puff of smoke exploded around him, and…
“BOOM, BABY!” shouted Dan. “I’m a muscular McPufferson!”
“You one strong dude,” said Cal Squatchy.
No sooner had Cal said that than the lights all went out. Sella and Dan and Cal were left in the dark. A strange and creepy voice rang out, “I’m a Meanie, and you’re ready to Meet Me!”
“Uh, ok,” said Sella. “I know that voice. It’s the guy you want to defeat. It’s…”
“Byers Von Greedy!” said yet another voice, this time it’s a girl. “Help us, Dan!” she said. “We have been captured by this meanie, and you need to earn ten gems to beat him!”
“Alexa?” asked Dan.
“Yes!” cried Alexa. “Hurry! If you lose we’ll all be trapped in the internet forever!”
The lights came back on, and a huge screen lit up. “Montana Sam and the Palace of Peril,” read the screen. Dan pressed the start button, and he instantly found himself standing on a huge board game. Next to him stood the evil Byers Von Greedy…and Sam! On the far side of the board game in a huge cage were all of Dan’s classmates, all except for M., who had not spoken in his ear for a very long time.
“Help us, Dan!” yelled Alexa.
“Don’t lose!” yelled A.
“Eat more chicken!” yelled M.
“I will help you,” yelled back Dan “I won’t lose. And I love chicken.” Turning to Sam he said, “It’s Go Time. How do you play?”
“The rules are pretty simple,” answered Sam. First you pick a card and jump to that color. Then you’ll answer a question to earn gems. The first one to 10 gems wins.”
Byers Von Greedy laughed evilly. “Silly boys,” he said, “the rules are easy, but beating me won’t be! Muhahaha!”
“Muhaha…whatever,” muttered Dan. “Boy, do I want to win.”
“Me, too,” said Sam. “That Mr. Byers…he’s such a meanie.”
“Don’t you mean Byers Von Greedy is a meanie?”
“Uh…yeahhhhh…” said Sam, “That’s what I meant…”
Alexa shouted out,” JUST PICK A CARD!”
“Oh, yeah, “said Dan. He walked over and picked up a humongous playing card. “It says RED. What now?”
“Come on, man,” said Sam. “We head to RED,” So Dan and Sam jumped to the first red spot.
“OH NO!” said a voice from above, “Crumbling rocks! Dance around like a monkey while singing the ABC’s!”
Suddenly rocks came crashing down from above. “Whoa!” Dan said,” What’s happening?”
“We’ve got to do what the guy says or else rocks will keep falling down on our heads,” said Sam. “Trust me, I’ve played this game enough times to know that.”
So Sam and Dan danced like monkeys while singing the alphabet. Dan felt a little strange, but like Sam said the rocks stopped trying to hurt them. Next came the question. “What’s the capital of Indiana?” asked the announcer.
“That’s easy,” said Dan, “It’s Indianapolis!”
“DING DING DING! You’ve earned a GEM!”
Dan pumped his fist in the air. “This is going to be so easy!” he exclaimed to Sam. “I’m not worried at all. We’ll beat that Byers Von–”
“DING DING DING! Byers Von Greedy earned DOUBLE GEMS! Dan McPufferson, you are losing.”
“WHAT?!?” Dan. “That’s no fair!!!”
Sam sighed. “This is why I lose all the time. Byers Von Greedy isn’t just mean. He cheats!”
Byers Von Greedy shouted, “I’m GREEDY!”
“Yeah,” yelled Sam, “We know. You say that ALL THE TIME.”
Dan sighed and picked up the next card. “It says to jump to BLUE,” he said. He and Dan headed over to the next blue spot. “OH NO!” said the voice from above, “Scorpions with hot sauce blasters! Do 10 jumping jacks while drinking water and singing Jingle Bells!”
“This is RIDICULOUS!” cried Dan as a horde of scorpions scurried over spraying them with mini water blasters filled with hot sauce. “Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way!” he sang as he drank water and did his jumping jacks. When he and Sam had completed their silly task, the scorpions all scurried away from them.