Ray took Ro’s Poke Ball out and tossed it on the ground.  Out shot Ro, flowers and all.  She stared at Joe and Tio.  “Wow, so big,” she whispered.  “Well, it doesn’t matter.  It’s time to feel the wrath of FLOWER POWER.”

J. said, “I’ll go first.  Joe…use Dragon Breath!”

“NO!” yelled Tio, “I want to use Dragon Breath!”

“J. said I go first, so I’m using Dragon Breath!” yelled Joe.

“No fair!” yelled Tio.  He pushed Joe just as he shot his nasty and powerful Dragon Breath at Ray and Ro.  It missed both of them by a mile.

“You CHEATED!” yelled Joe at Tio.

“I did not!” yelled Tio.  “I’m using Metal Claw on you!”  He swiped at Joe and knocked him back.

“That didn’t hurt one bit,” growled Joe.  “I’m using Aqua Tail!”  He spun around, his tail smacking Tio on the head.

J. sighed.  “Stop it, you two!”  He looked at Ro and Ella.  “Really, they’re best friends.  I found them together at the top of this mountain having a blast.  But every once in a while they have some Legendary battles.  Too bad it’s usually against one another.  

“So…” asked K., “is our battle over?”

J. looked at Dialga Tio and Palkia Joe.  Their battle was intense and epic. “I think so,” he said.

Do you know how difficult it is to create a 14 chapter book with 26 characters about something I don’t know much about? Well, now I know about Pokemon—not enough to play trivia, but enough to understand the concepts of battling. Honestly, this story was a blast to write! It clocks in at just over 13,000 words.


2024: Our Crazy Class


2022: Trapped in the Internet!